Where to play Go on the Internet

Here there are some links to information about Go Servers

How to Play Go on the Internet [Mindy McAdams]

What is an Internet Go Server? [Ken Warkentyne]

To play Go on the Internet you have to telnet to one of these server

IGS (igs.nuri.net port 6969).

IGS (igs.nuri.net port 7777).

NNGS - No Name Go Server (nngs.cosmic.org port 9696).

LGS - Legend Go Server (lgs.hinet.net 9696).

WING - Worldwide Internet Gokaisho (wing.brlnet.net 1515).

HGS - Hermony Go Server (weiqi.online.sh.cn 8888).

CWS - China Weiqi Server (cws.weiqi.net 9696).

FGS - Fukui Fuzzy Go Server (fgs.fuis.fukui-u.ac.jp 9696).

goclub.org Go Server (nngs.goclub.org 9696).